
Summertime and the corn is ripening!

We're updating the center's website and making sure we help you keep up with happenings at the center but also in the world of food studies. We'll be posting notices about publications, conferences, and other events.

Ethnicity, Cultural Beliefs, and Immediate Contexts as Factors in Emotional Eating During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Hi everyone, I'm working with a nutrition colleague at BGSU on a project looking at the impact of ethnicity and individuals' living situations on emotional eating during the Pandemic. Emotional eating is similar to comfort food, but it's the idea of eating for emotional reasons rather than for biological, nutritional, or social ones. We're focusing... Continue Reading →

Garlic Mustard Memories. Earth Day 2021

Today is Earth Day. It also snowed yesterday, but today is sunny and clear, and most of the snow has melted. That somehow seems symbolic for 2021. It's reassuring to think about the earth renewing itself--maybe there's hope for humanity.In the meantime, spring always means lots of garlic mustard growing wild in places where it's... Continue Reading →


VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM: FINDING COMFORT/DISCOMFORT THRUGH FOODWAYS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Sept. 23 2020, 2:00-3:30 pm (EST) CENTER FOR FOOD AND CULTURE, BOWLING GREEN, OHIO, USA The Center for Food and Culture is hosting a virtual symposium to present an oral history project documenting ways in which people are finding both comfort and discomfort through food... Continue Reading →

Whirled Peas: Pedagogies for World Peace–Resources and Materials for Using Food to Address Issues around Political Conflict, Cultural Representation, and Social Justice

CFAC.WhirledPeas.CurriculumGuide.6-2017 This Project offers resources and curriculum materials for using food to address issues concerning political conflicts, cultural (mis)representations and understanding, and social justice. It includes a center-sponsored project that uses food to explore concepts crucial to those issues--construction, multiple identities, and the aesthetics of everyday life.  

Farmers Markets

Farmers Markets are venues where produce and goods are sold directly by the producers to the consumer. Prices are usually set by the producers, and consumers and producers interact in the exchange so there can develop a personal and relationship element in the transaction. Vendors usually include small-scale farmers, specialty food producers, and artisan food... Continue Reading →

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